Investigation into a potential tissue engineering scaffold
Objective: Come up with a 3D printable biocompatible method of reinforcing a cryogel without compromising its cell-scaffold properties
Outcome: Identified TPMS surfaces, in particular gyroids, as a promising option. Generated and printed a number of samples, came up with a method for integrating a cryogel, and performed testing for implantation suitability
Skills: Mesh editing, 3D printing, experimental design, Python
I worked at the Hixon Lab at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College for two summers. This is a biomedical engineering lab focused on bone regeneration (read more here). We performed some fascinating research, available for reading here.
The lab was newly established during my first internship. During this time I identified gyroids as a potential scaffold geometry based on existing research, created some 3D printable meshes, and performed some preliminary testing. Today, the lab still makes use of the models that I generated (some of these photos are taken from their website).
I also implemented (in Python) a novel way of mathematically modifying the gyroid structure beyond a simple boolean. This allowed us to create gyroids with softened edges, variable density, and other useful features, which is more conducive to implantation.

A Sharpie holder I made out of a modified gyroid

3D printed ceramic gyroids

An SEM image of a gyroid with integrated cryogel

An example of a modified gyroid made using my Python scripts